Disc golf is very popular among recreational athletes in the United States and the countries of Northern and Western Europe. Only in Finland there are more than five hundred disc golf courses (and for example, even 15 in the vicinity of Helsinki, on the photo). Many players are mostly in the age group older than 25 years, and employees are able to finance their tourist trips. Also, a large number of disc golf courses are located in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Switzerland, countries where the weather conditions from November to March, because of the cold, snow and short daylight hours, do not allow a pleasant disc golf game. Across Europe, south of Zagreb, there are only seven disc golf courses, but they are not clustered and around them there is no tourism offer. Given this obvious is great tourist potential for the development of disc golf as a sport, but also of related forms of tourism in Croatia and the region.
Our company has started the work on development of disc golf infrastructure in Croatia and develops and markets quality sports and recreational tourism offer. So far we have organized seven international disc golf tournaments, and the oldest of them, Varazdin "Drava Forester" which was held for the 4th time from 6th to 8th November 2015, gathered 70 players (from 11 European countries and the USA).
One of the company's activities is the organization of the tournaments and tourism programs that include disc golf activities. Until 2016 we have organized seven disc golf tournaments that were played by disc golfers from all over the world.
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